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Spreading Organic Farming in Africa-Please Help Us Save our Farms!

I have partnered with SOFAfrica in their mission to educate  the African people in  health and nutrition  through organic farming and water filtration.  In order to have a healthy community, one must begin  at home. These people are in need of educational tools as well  as  farming supplies and filtration  devices etc.  SOFAfrica has been asked to help surrounding  countries within the African continent to educate delegates to send back to their respective countries to spread this much needed knowledge and help lead these people to self-sufficiency. My goal and hope is to raise as much as $20,000  to help supply them with much of these tools.  SOFAfrica has  already  taken on the daunting task of reforesting  the nation of Kenya and has hopes of continuing the reforestation of  much of their continent.  Reforestation  can help to bring back the balance needed  in the ecosystem  to relieve some of the  harsh temperatures and drought  caused  through the destruction of the rainforest.  I am asking everyone  to help in this endeavor! If we could get people to donate as much as $2-$3  we could change  people's lives and make a huge difference  for so many.  We could give hope to a people who have been cast aside and forgotten.  These people have the desire to learn these skills and become self sufficient but need our help.  SOFAfrica  has been reaching out to help as many as possible but their funds are  meager and stretched too thin to help the masses.  We can help change that and give these people the hope and opportunity many of us take for granted.
Now with  covid-19  and everyone being affected by this pandemic, the need is greater than ever.  SOFAfrica  is reaching out to the local areas to help spread awareness and essential supplies  such as masks and sanitizers for protection and containment of this virus. 


- Leah Davis

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